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Low Visibility Procedures (LVP)

Short (Certificate) Courses for Pilots-in-Service

Min. Academic & Professional Level

Intermediate & PPL,CPL, ATPL Holders & Flight Instructors

Course Designed for:

PPL,CPL, ATPL Holders, Airlines & GA Pilot-in-Service, Flight Instructors of Flying Clubs & Flight Simulators

An Overview:

Low Visibility Procedures (LVP) are guidelines and protocols established to ensure safe flight operations during periods of reduced visibility, such as fog, haze, heavy rain, snow, or other weather conditions that limit the visibility of the runway and surroundings. 

These procedures are designed to enhance flight crew situational awareness, maintain safe separation between aircraft, and facilitate efficient operations while minimizing the risks associated with reduced visibility.

Short Course Modules:

Module 1: Introduction to Low Visibility Procedures

Sub-topic 1: Defining Low Visibility Conditions

Sub-topic 2: Impact of Low Visibility on Aviation

Sub-topic 3: Historical Incidents and Lessons Learned

Sub-topic 4: Regulatory Framework for LVP

Module 2: Meteorological Factors and Low Visibility

Sub-topic 1: Fog, Mist, and Other Weather Conditions

Sub-topic 2: Visibility Measurement and Reporting

Sub-topic 3: Weather Forecasting and Monitoring

Sub-topic 4: Impact of Low Visibility on Flight Planning

Module 3: Instrumentation and Technology for LVP

Sub-topic 1: Ground-Based Navigation Aids (ILS, MLS)

Sub-topic 2: Radio Altimeters and Enhanced Vision Systems (EVS)

Sub-topic 3: Radar and Lidar for Low Visibility Operations

Sub-topic 4: GPS and GNSS in Low Visibility Conditions

Module 4: LVP Procedures for Takeoff and Landing

Sub-topic 1: Low Visibility Takeoff Minimums

Sub-topic 2: Precision and Non-Precision Approaches

Sub-topic 3: Autoland and CAT II/III Operations

Sub-topic 4: Missed Approach and Go-Around Procedures

Module 5: Airport and Runway Equipment for LVP

Sub-topic 1: Runway Lighting and Markings

Sub-topic 2: Approach Lighting Systems (ALS)

Sub-topic 3: High-Intensity Runway Lights (HIRL)

Sub-topic 4: Runway Visual Range (RVR) Reporting

Module 6: ATC and Airspace Management in LVP

Sub-topic 1: Air Traffic Control Procedures

Sub-topic 2: Reduced Separation Standards

Sub-topic 3: Holding Patterns and Diversions

Sub-topic 4: Communication and Coordination During LVP

Module 7: Aircraft Equipment and Crew Training

Sub-topic 1: Cockpit Instruments and Displays

Sub-topic 2: HUD and EVS for Pilots

Sub-topic 3: Pilot Proficiency and Training

Sub-topic 4: Crew Resource Management (CRM) in LVP

Module 8: Emergency Procedures and Contingencies

Sub-topic 1: Low Visibility Go-Around and Missed Approach

Sub-topic 2: Engine Failure and Systems Malfunctions

Sub-topic 3: Diversion and Unplanned Landings

Sub-topic 4: Airport Rescue and Firefighting (ARFF) in LVP

Module 9: Case Studies and Real-World Scenarios

Sub-topic 1: Notable LVP-Related Incidents

Sub-topic 2: Lessons Learned from Past Events

Sub-topic 3: Safety Enhancements Following Incidents

Sub-topic 4: Analyzing Real-World LVP Scenarios

Module 10: Future Trends and Innovations in LVP

Sub-topic 1: Advances in LVP Technology

Sub-topic 2: LVP in Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS)

Sub-topic 3: Regulatory Changes and Evolving Standards

Sub-topic 4: Research and Development in LVP Systems