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Flight Dispatch Refresher

Started on January 19, 20255 days a week and 6 hours per day.

Flight Dispatcher Refresher:


This 5-days Dispatch Refresher Course contains a brief but challenging training-program in accordance with the training recommendations for Flight Operations Officers.We’ll cover important topics that are the foundation of aircraft dispatching including flight planning, weather and practical dispatching skills!

An entire course program has been developed to cover all modules relevant to Flight Operations Officers/Flight Dispatchers core
competencies and following ICAO and EASA guidelines.
The syllabus is established from the following modules and adapted on purpose:

  • Aircraft Systems and Law
  • Radio Navigation &  Communication
  • Principles of flight & Aircraft performance
  • Weight and Balance
  • Fuel planning
  • Operational procedures and Security

The training is aronatux approved, online, in campus. Duration is 5 days a week and 6 hours per day.

Flight Dispatcher Refresher:


This 5-days Dispatch Refresher Course contains a brief but challenging training-program in accordance with the training recommendations for Flight Operations Officers. The training is aronatux approved, online, in campus. Duration is 5 days a week and 6 hours per day.

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