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Controlled Flight into Terrain (CFIT)

Short (Certificate) Courses for Pilots-in-Service

Min. Academic & Professional Level

Intermediate & PPL,CPL, ATPL Holders & Flight Instructors

Course Designed for:

PPL,CPL, ATPL Holders, Airlines & GA Pilot-in-Service, Flight Instructors of Flying Clubs & Flight Simulators

An Overview:

Controlled Flight Into Terrain (CFIT) refers to an aviation accident in which an aircraft, under the control of the flight crew, unintentionally impacts terrain, obstacles, or water without prior detection. 

CFIT accidents often occur in conditions of reduced visibility, such as fog, low clouds, or at night, and they are typically the result of a combination of factors that lead to a loss of situational awareness.

Short Course Modules:

Module 1: Introduction to CFIT

  1. Overview of the course content.
  2. Understanding the significance of CFIT in aviation.
  3. Historical CFIT accidents and lessons learned.
  4. Significance of CFIT prevention in aviation safety.

Module 2: CFIT Risk Factors

  1. Terrain and obstacle awareness.
  2. Weather-related risks.
  3. Human factors contributing to CFIT accidents.
  4. Aircraft equipment and systems affecting CFIT.

Module 3: Terrain Awareness and Warning Systems (TAWS)

  1. Introduction to TAWS technology.
  2. TAWS modes and functionalities.
  3. Regulatory requirements for TAWS installation.
  4. TAWS training and usage.

Module 4: Weather and CFIT

  1. Weather phenomena leading to CFIT risks.
  2. Impact of visibility, clouds, and precipitation.
  3. Use of weather radar and forecasts for CFIT prevention.
  4. Pilots’ decision-making in adverse weather conditions.

Module 5: Human Factors in CFIT Prevention

  1. Pilot awareness and decision-making.
  2. Crew resource management (CRM) in CFIT prevention.
  3. Fatigue management and its role in CFIT incidents.
  4. Psychological aspects and situational awareness.

Module 6: Terrain and Obstacle Databases

  1. Importance of accurate terrain and obstacle data.
  2. Sources of terrain and obstacle databases.
  3. Database updates and currency.
  4. Crew responsibilities in verifying database accuracy.

Module 7: CFIT Prevention Techniques

  1. Terrain avoidance strategies.
  2. Altitude and flight path awareness.
  3. Use of ground proximity warning systems (GPWS).
  4. Applying safe altitudes and flight profiles.

Module 8: CFIT Training and Simulation

  1. CFIT training requirements for pilots and crew.
  2. Simulator training for CFIT scenarios.
  3. Practical exercises in CFIT prevention.
  4. Realistic CFIT scenarios and responses.

Module 9: Regulatory Compliance

  1. Regulatory agencies and CFIT-related guidelines.
  2. Compliance with international safety standards.
  3. Reporting CFIT incidents and near misses.
  4. Safety audits and inspections.

Module 10: Case Studies and Analysis

  1. Analyzing real CFIT accidents.
  2. Lessons learned from CFIT investigations.
  3. Role-playing exercises in CFIT scenarios.
  4. Improving safety through incident analysis.