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For aviation students who register for at least  two short courses at OITi.




After successful completion of one-month internship, OITi will issue a certificate on production of an internship report by the internee.

An Overview:

A comprehensive one-month internship program for aviation students at the Ocean Institute of Technology International involves careful planning to ensure the program is enriching, diverse, and leverages the institute’s environment, training aids, and resources. Below is a structured outline for the internship program:

Week 1: Orientation and Introduction

Day 1: Welcome and Orientation

  • Morning: Welcome address by the institute’s director.
  • Afternoon: Campus tour, introduction to facilities and training aids, safety briefing.

Day 2: Introduction to Aviation Basics

  • Morning: Lecture on the basics of aviation, including history, principles of flight, and types of aircraft.
  • Afternoon: Interactive session on aviation terminology and jargon.

Day 3: Aircraft Familiarization

  • Morning: Workshop on different types of aircraft used in training.
  • Afternoon: Hands-on session with aircraft models and simulators.

Day 4: Safety and Regulations

  • Morning: Seminar on aviation safety protocols and regulations.
  • Afternoon: Case studies on past aviation incidents and their impact on safety standards.

Day 5: Meet and Greet with Mentors

  • Morning: Introduction to mentors and industry professionals.
  • Afternoon: Group discussions and Q&A sessions with mentors.

Week 2: Technical Training and Simulations

Day 6-7: Flight Simulators

  • Morning: Introduction to flight simulators.
  • Afternoon: Practical sessions on flight simulators under supervision.

Day 8: Aircraft Maintenance

  • Morning: Lecture on aircraft maintenance practices.
  • Afternoon: Workshop on basic maintenance tasks.

Day 9-10: Avionics and Navigation

  • Morning: Seminar on avionics and navigation systems.
  • Afternoon: Hands-on sessions with avionics equipment and navigation simulations.

Day 11: Mid-Internship Review

  • Morning: Group discussions on learning experiences and feedback sessions.
  • Afternoon: Individual meetings with mentors for personalized feedback.

Week 3: Specialized Training and Industry Exposure

Day 12-13: Air Traffic Control (ATC)

  • Morning: Lecture on ATC operations and responsibilities.
  • Afternoon: Visit to a local ATC center and interactive sessions with controllers.

Day 14: Airport Operations

  • Morning: Seminar on airport operations and management.
  • Afternoon: Guided tour of a nearby airport to observe operations.

Day 15-16: Emergency Procedures

  • Morning: Workshop on emergency procedures and protocols.
  • Afternoon: Simulated emergency scenarios and role-playing exercises.

Day 17: Industry Guest Speaker

  • Morning: Guest lecture by an industry expert on current trends in aviation.
  • Afternoon: Networking session with industry professionals.

Week 4: Project Work and Final Presentations

Day 18-19: Group Projects

  • Morning: Introduction to group project topics (e.g., improving flight safety, advancements in avionics).
  • Afternoon: Group work and mentor guidance.

Day 20-21: Project Development

  • Morning: Continuation of group projects.
  • Afternoon: Preparation for final presentations.

Day 22: Mock Interviews and Resume Building

  • Morning: Workshop on resume writing and interview skills.
  • Afternoon: Mock interviews with feedback from mentors.

Day 23: Final Project Presentations

  • Morning: Group presentations of projects to faculty and peers.
  • Afternoon: Feedback and assessment by a panel of experts.

Day 24: Internship Review and Closing Ceremony

  • Morning: Final review sessions with mentors.
  • Afternoon: Closing ceremony, certificate distribution, and farewell lunch.

Program Highlights:

  • Interactive Learning: Utilizing flight simulators, maintenance workshops, and avionics labs.
  • Diverse Exposure: Visits to ATC centers, airports, and interactions with industry professionals.
  • Hands-On Experience: Practical sessions and group projects to apply theoretical knowledge.
  • Mentorship: Continuous guidance and feedback from experienced mentors.


This program ensures that students gain a holistic understanding of the aviation field, combining theoretical knowledge with practical experience and industry exposure.